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Marketing Samples

During my Spring 2024 internship for the Made in Millersville Journal, I worked as the team's Marketing and Outreach Specialist, as well as an editor for the Journal itself. I managed the Journal's social media accounts, established marketing campaigns, and created all of the images and captions posted online. To view a wider array of samples, check out the Made in Millersville Journal Instagram page and Facebook page. Everything posted from February 2024-May 2024 was made, written, and uploaded by yours truly.

Welcome to the Official MIMJ Facebook

Welcome to the official Made in Millersville Journal Facebook page! Made in Millersville is a conference and journal dedicated to publishing the wide array of creative and scholarly projects produced by Millersville University students. If you are a Millersville student interested in participating in Made in Millersville this spring, please check out the links below! 


Follow us on Instagram at mim_journal


For further information, please visit our website at or contact us at


#MIMJournal2024 #MadeInMillersville2024 #MillersvilleUniversity #MU #StudentResearch #StudentPresentations

Tomorrow is the last day to apply for Made in Millersville 2024! Are you on the fence about publishing your work in the journal? Here are 5 reasons why you should! By working closely with our team of editors, we will guide you through the revision and publication process, help you strengthen your writing skills, and teach you how to write for a general audience. By the end of it all, you will be able to proudly call yourself a published writer, share your work with a wide range of readers, and include your experience on resumés! 


If you’ve already applied to present at the conference, but haven’t yet signed up to be published as well, simply email us at to let us know you’re interested!


For further information, please visit our website through the link in our bio. The application link will be available in our Instagram story and featured in our story highlights. 


#MIMJournal2024 #MadeInMillersville2024 #MillersvilleUniversity #MU #StudentResearch #StudentPresentations #Publishing #StudentPublications

Why Publish Through MIMJ
APA Guidelines Workshop

Finding yourself overwhelmed or confused by APA formatting and citation styles? Our editors are once again here to help! We require that all drafts are formatted in accordance with APA guidelines, so if you need some extra guidance, we encourage you to stop by McNairy Library Room 104 between 1:30 pm-3:00 pm on March 21st.


For further information, please visit our website using the link in our bio or contact us at


#MIMJournal2024 #MadeInMillersville2024 #MillersvilleUniversity #MU #StudentResearch #StudentPresentations #AuthorWorkshop #WritingWorkshop #APA #APAFormat #CiteYourSources

In anticipation of the Journal’s release, we’re here to share some of our incredible authors with you! Becca Betty is a graduate student at Millersville, pursuing their Masters Degree in English. Originally presented at the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association (MAPACA) Conference, Betty’s project is an analysis of HBOMax’s hit series, “The Last of Us,” a TV adaptation of the popular video game franchise. By drawing connections between the show and Critical Disability Studies, Betty explores the interpersonal relationships between the main characters, their experiences with disability, and what we as a broader society can take away from it, especially after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Betty hopes that their article will challenge readers to reexamine their own experiences, relationships, future, and worldview in relation to disability and mass-disabling events such as COVID-19. Through mutual aid, compassion, strengthening relationships, and challenging current societal structures, Betty encourages others to advocate for Disability Justice. 


Becca Betty’s article will be available to read on April 23rd, 2024!


For further information, please visit our website using the link in our bio or contact us at


#MIMJournal2024 #MadeInMillersville2024 #MillersvilleUniversity #MU #StudentResearch #StudentPresentations #MIMConference #madeinmillersville #MIM2024 #AuthorHighlight #AuthorInterview #TheLastOfUs #PopCulture #TLOU #DisabilityJustice #DisabilityRights #Analysis #Covid #tlou #thelastofus 

Becca Betty Author Highlight
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